The Wizards Touchdown Club Supports the Washingtonville High School Football Teams . This sight is to keep members informed of the current club and team activities. Please use it as such..its all about the kids!!!!!
Do what needs to be done When it has to be done
Club Overview:
The Club is a non-profit unincorporated association organized under the laws of the State of New York. The purposes for which the Club is formed are as follows:
1. To promote and encourage the support of Washingtonville School District football programs at all levels.
2. To further the educational program of Washingtonville High School by providing support and services in respect of its football program.
3. To foster a spirit of loyalty and fraternity among the players, coaches, parents and boosters of the Washingtonville High School football program and to effect united action in promoting the welfare and public relations of the football program and of Washingtonville High School as an educational institution.
4. To provide a medium for exchange of ideas, programs, and concepts among the community, schools and coaches.
5. To organize, promote, and participate in fund raising activities that shall be used for but not limited to the following:
- Equipment items not provided by the Washingtonville school district.
- End of season awards events.
- Annual scholarship award
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