Monthly Archives May 2014

Equipment Handout For Camps

Category: TDC News

Equipment Handout Dates For Players Going To Camps

Jay Fiedler Camp:
Thursday, June 5th 2014 @ 2:30 p.m. @ Football Shed

Grid-Iron Camp:
Thursday, June 19th 2014 @ 2:30 p.m. @ Football Shed

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Memorial Park Clean-Up 2014

Category: TDC News

Hello Football Wizards, remember this year’s memorial park clean up is on Saturday, May 17th, from 9am to 12pm. This is a great opportunity for you wizard football players to give back to the community that supports you. Participation has dropped over the past few years for this event. Let’s show the community we appreciate their support by having a sea of Blue & Gold jerseys in the park on the 17th.

We ask that you bring some sort of gardening tool with you. whether it be a metal rake, leaf rake, garden hand tools, anything will help.



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