Wizard Football Parents,
I know for most of you football season seems like a long ways away, but in reality our season never stops. That is true with our coaches and players, who are currently working hard in the weight-room to make themselves better football players, and it is especially true when it comes to our Washingtonville Wizards’ Touchdown Club’s activities.
The Washingtonville Touchdown Club is a great organization that is absolutely vital to our program’s success. As most of you know the club annually raises critical dollars for equipment and items for our players that are not covered by our school’s budget. All money raised by the club goes directly back to the players involved in our program, and will continue to do so.
Obviously with players continually graduating from our program, our turnover of the people that help with these activities also becomes somewhat of a graduation process. We are constantly looking for people to step up and help us with even the smallest of duties, which in the end help our players. Please understand that any help that you may be able to give is greatly appreciated, no matter how insignificant it may seem to you. This is particularly true with our Junior Varsity Parents, which typically do not become involved until their son(s) reach the varsity level. You have an opportunity to significantly impact the direction of the club, as well as your son’s experience in our program from “Day One”. Why not get involved at whatever level you feel comfortable with. I promise you will make a difference?
The Touchdown Club is currently looking to fill the position of “Secretary” on its Executive Board. For information about what the job entails, go to the “Our Charter” link at the top of the home page of this website, and scroll down to “Article VI- Roles & Responsibilities”.
Again, please consider becoming involved at any level with a great organization helping great kids.
Coach Clark
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